
On The Bus

A Journey Through Greyhound America

Racing To Richmond

Making Up Time
Schedule of bus stops from Nashville to Richmond

As my correspondents had retired for the evening, I dictated my observations on my phone.

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I was just trying to be like Chris here.

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9:20 AM ET Winston-Salem, NC. Gaining ground. Now 1:15 behind schedule.

This stop was at an actual bus station, which had a sign you rarely see anymore. Seems like something from the '70s -?

Note: I was now texting from the Eastern Time Zone, so timestamps from here on out are correct.

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Greyhound has you stow your own luggage in the lower compartment, and move it when transferring to another bus. This creates a bit of a security issue -- our 4th important difference from airline travel.

When picking up or dropping folks off, those compartment doors were wide open on both sides of the bus, with people fishing around for bags, and someone could easily grab yours, accidentally or on purpose.

Sometimes the bus driver might be hanging out nearby having a smoke, but not checking your luggage in and out of that compartment. Nor does Greyhound tag your bag.

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The long, 15-hour overnight Nashville-to-Richmond leg went by in a blur, the 9 stops merging in a dozing, dreamlike sequence. At many of these stops nobody boarded, so the driver could quickly get moving again and make up more time. Could we really make my Richmond connection?

© Greg Erken 2023